Slope stability analysis
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Oasys Slope empowers civil and geotechnical engineers to study and check their projects involving slope stability analyses, a key part of linear infrastructure design involving cuttings for permanent works, for example.
Civil and geotechnical engineers responsible for studying the global stability of reinforced earth structures, cuttings and more use Oasys Slope as it provides a validated, robust and user-friendly method of calculations, ensuring acceptable and appropriate QA and QC standards are met.
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You can compute pore water pressures using steady state seepage analysis with Slope. This provides a significant improvement to the way that water pressures are modelled in Slope.
Slope can derive pore pressures for input to stability analysis by carrying out a steady state seepage analysis. Generating pore pressures in this way requires material permeabilities and boundary conditions (fixed head, fixed flow or phreatic) to be set: Permeabilities are added via material properties, while boundary conditions are defined graphically. The 2D slope section will be automatically meshed, with element sizes adjustable at every node. Pore pressure results in the finite element mesh are used to derive the pore pressures at the base and down the sides of each slice in the stability analysis. This avoids the need to use a different program when a more accurate pore pressure distribution is required.
Interpolation of the pore pressures at all slices from the calculated finite element locations can be time-consuming if many slips are analysed at once, and/or if lots of elements are used to calculate the pore water pressures. It is recommended to run analyses with simple groundwater conditions first, and the more detailed analysis once the slip circles of interest have been identified.
The Morgenstern-Price method has become one of the standards in slope stability analysis and is preferred by some checking authorities around the world. The implementation of this method in Slope allows either a constant relationship between the horizontal and vertical interslice forces or a “half-sine” relationship to be defined. The method ensures that both moment and force equilibrium are maintained, which is not the case for some of the simpler methods.
Soil strata are defined as polygons rather than left-to-right polylines. This makes drawing models faster and easier, principally by removing the need to generate lists of co-ordinates. Using polygons allows the definition of shapes instead of layers: It is no longer necessary to define the model using layers that cross the entire model. In line with our other geotechnical products, we have also updated the controls of Oasys Slope, adding a new control ribbon. Although the graphical interface has been significantly updated, Slope fully supports importing of old Slope files and will convert the data as required. This enables easy checking and updating of previous designs.
Slope has COM interface functionality, allowing programmatic interaction with Slope from VBA and Python, for example. This means that Slope can be built into workflows or automation methods. The ability to save models in JSON format provides another way of doing this. JSON is a widely used data format; by adding this ability, we increase Slope’s potential to be used in this way.
Slope provides the following methods of analysis:
The use of these methods allows analysis of both circular and non-circular slip surfaces to be carried out.
A variety of means of specifying water pressure are available including hydrostatic below a phreatic surface, piezometric or Ru values.
A variety of methods of specifying material shear strength are available including drained or undrained parameters which may vary with depth.
Analysis of reinforcing elements – soil nails, rock bolts, ground anchors and geotextiles – to BS8006/BS8081.
Slope has an Input Wizard to enable the user to set up an analysis with ease. It also allows for input via DXF for complex geometries.
A number of Graphical and Tabular outputs are available to users. Graphical outputs are ideal for reports and presentations and tabular outputs can be exported to Excel for further analysis.
Slope enables the user to apply partial factors to their analysis. EC7 partial factors are included but user defined partial factors can be set and applied.
The Oasys Geotechnical Bundles group together several Oasys Geotechnical software tools into a single subscription at a price significantly lower than the cost of the individual tools if purchased as separate subscriptions.
Find out more »The Oasys Ground Movement Bundles bring together tried and tested Oasys Geotechnical tools for slope stability assessment and the calculation of soil displacements due to imposed loading or excavation into a single bundle.
Find out more »The trials are limited for 14 days only, and there is no functional limitation. During the evaluation period you will only be able to use the software for test purposes and not for commercial paid work, and for the duration we will support you to get the most out of your test. System requirements can be found in the FAQs.
All we ask from you are some details so we can contact you to issue you with the installation file.
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We offer a limited-duration trial license for you to assess the suitability of our products for your projects.
During the evaluation period you will only be able to use the software for test purposes and not for commercial paid work, and for the duration we will support you to get the most out of your trial.
All we ask from you is some details so we can decide whether you are eligible for a trial.
Compatible with most modern day Windows operating systems.
The full conditions of purchase and maintenance are set out in the Oasys Software Licence and Support Agreement. All prices are subject to TAX at the current rate.
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice – please ask for a written quotation.
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USD $1,407.91 – USD $27,185.68
2D slope stability analysis which can incorporate reinforcing elements – soil nails, rock bolts, ground anchors, geotextiles etc.
Slope stability analysis
Select your version | Slope, Ground Movement Bundle, Ground Movement Bundle Pro, Geotechnical Suite, Geotechnical Suite Pro |
Select your licence | Standalone, Network Floating, Network Floating International |
I would like to | 12 months Subscription (Pay annually), 36 months Subscription (Pay annually) |
Standalone licenses are locked to an individual machine, but transferable by the user to another machine manually. Ideal for single users. Restricted to use within the country stated in the End User address submitted by Licensee to Oasys at the time of purchase.
Network Floating licenses can be activated on any number of machines, however you can only concurrently use the number of licences that you have purchased. Ideal for users requiring more flexibility or when working as part of a team. Restricted to use within the country stated in the End User address submitted by Licensee to Oasys at the time of purchase.
Network Floating International licenses can be activated on any number of machines, however you can only concurrently use the number of licences that you have purchased. Ideal for users requiring more flexibility or when working as part of a global team. Eligible for deployment world-wide at the Licensees leisure.
*Prices shown are per year cost
Both Subscription options will allow you the right to use the software for the defined term, with the full maintenance and support service included for the duration. The price will be fixed for the duration of the agreed term after which it will automatically renew for the same duration at the then current price.
12 month pay annually – Single payment for the full term at the commencement of the Subscription period
36 month pay annually – Three annual payments split the cost over the Subscription period. All payments are fixed at the time of purchase and are not subject to variance over time. Lower annual cost in comparison to 12 month option.
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