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Data Security Notice Updated 27th February 2020

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The contents of this web site are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights under international conventions. No copying of any words, images, graphic representations or other information contained in this web site is permitted without the prior written permission of the webmaster for this site.

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Software Licensing Terms

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

The full conditions of purchase and maintenance for all Oasys desktop software are set out in the Oasys Software Licence and Support Agreement.

The full conditions of purchase and maintenance for Oasys Gofer and Oasys Giraphe are set out in the Gofer SaaS Agreement  and the Giraphe SaaS agreement.

All prices are subject to TAX at the current rate.

Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice – please ask for a written quotation.

Although every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein, the contents do not form or constitute a representation, warranty, or part of any contract.

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Oasys keeps copies of all superseded versions of its terms and conditions.

Maintenance & Support Services

Support and maintenance is included with all subscription licences for their full duration.

Annual maintenance contracts are available for software under a perpetual licence, prices are based on a percentage of the most recent list price.

This service includes:


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Building Design Software — GSA Building

GSA Building is part of the Oasys General Structural Engineering suite and combines steel and concrete design, footfall, and soil-structure interaction analysis in the same building design software package. With this intuitive software, you can design structural models with skeletal frames and two-dimensional finite elements, enabling you to design and analyse even the most complex buildings.

GSA Building — Advanced building design software in one powerful package

GSA Building is a structural analysis and design program. It gives engineers the tools they need to create any type of building.

With this intuitive software, engineers can design structural models with a full range of 1D, 2D and 3D elements. GSA Building also combines steel and concrete design to a range of international codes, footfall or human-induced vibration, and soil-structure interaction analysis in the same package. For seamless working, GSA Building integrates with Revit Structure and other BIM programs. Integration with BIM applications is a fundamental feature that encourages design coordination across teams.

GSA Building saves time and money by designing steel beams and slab reinforcement directly from the analysis results. It will also analyse how the structure interacts with the ground or predict the footfall vibration on irregular floors or staircases, whether they are concrete, steel, or composite.

How GSA Building Works

Input: Create structural finite element analysis models using CAD and BIM links, directly in the table or graphical views, or using your own scripts via the Application Programming Interface. Assign linear and nonlinear materials to a variety of element types, whether beams from catalogues, standard shapes, profiled slabs, or your own special requirements. Add static, dynamic, prestress, or thermal loads and analyse the effect.

Analysis and Design: GSA includes several solvers, including:

  • steel member and concrete slab design
  • footfall analysis for human induced vibration
  • matrix-based stiffness method for static and p-delta analyses
  • dynamic relaxation and explicit solvers for nonlinear static and dynamic problems
  • eigenvector solvers for modal vibration and buckling analyses
  • dynamic response analyses for seismic response spectrum or time history, harmonic and periodic vibrations, vibrations
  • soil structure interaction for rafts and piled structures
  • diagnostic analyses for resolving modelling problems

GSA will find the lightest, shallowest, cheapest, or most environmentally friendly steel beam section to carry the load, and work out the ideal quantity of reinforcement in your concrete slabs and walls.

Output: Output forces, moments, deformed geometry, and other results in graphical views, tables, and graphs. Export analysis models to LS DYNA, model changes to Revit, or text and numbers to Office documents.

Key Features & Benefits

  1. Simulate advanced footfall analysis with accurate tools developed by engineers at the forefront of this technique
  2. Integration with Autodesk’s Revit Structure and other advanced modelling software will ensure high integrity of model transfer and also accurate model coordination
  3. Raft analysis - Combine structural models with non-linear soil for foundation design
  4. Steel design - Design of steel beams, columns, and braces to international design codes

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GSA – Building Product Comparison

Analysis Building Bridge Suite
User Interface
Customisable Graphic Views with Flexible Contouring and Labeling

Flexible graphic views to display whatever information you want in whatever format you want. GSA can create contours for any parameter or result in the model and allow you to customize the display based on what you want to see in the model.

Versatile and Transparent Meshing

Draw or import any geometry and GSA will create a suitable analytical mesh. Viewing and manipulation of the meshed geometry is possible before analysis so that you can have complete confidence in your model.

Flexible Tabular and Graphical Inputs

Create and manipulate your model geometry and loads with graphical and tabular inputs.

Grasshopper Plugin

Parametrically create, edit, and optimize your models with GSA's Grasshopper plugins.

Connections to BIM and other Software

GSA offers bidirectional interoperability with many industry-standard software packages including Revit, AutoCAD and .ifc files. Exports also available to IDEAStatiCa, LS DYNA and AdSec.

Application Programming Interface

For advanced users, GSA's API expands the realm of possibilities by allowing the user to create scripts using a wider range of languages to interact with the program. Use your own code or third-party programs to create, edit and optimize your GSA model through either the .NET or COM API.

Analysis Capabilities
Nonlinear Materials

Elastic-Orthotropic and Elastic-Plastic Isotropic materials

Nonlinear Elements

Compression-only struts, tension-only ties, nonlinear springs, and cables

Tapered Elements*

Define entities which vary in size along their lengths

3D Elements

3D solid (brick) elements allowing a wide range of structural properties to be simulated

Linear, P-Delta, and Nonlinear Analyses

Analyse for geometric and material non-linearity over large deflections, including dynamic relaxation and explicit solvers

Dynamic Analysis & Response

Modal, Ritz, and Explicit analyses, including P-Delta effects, with Response Spectrum, Harmonic, Time History, and Periodic analyses

Buckling Analysis

Modal buckling of 1D & 2D elements; Nonlinear buckling of 1D elements

Fabric Analysis

Analysis of fabric nonlinear materials


Geometry generation for tension and compression only structures

Imperfection Analysis*

Impose initial imperfections on analysis without modifying the base geometry

Staged Analysis

Add, remove, and change elements and constraints between various analysis stages

Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis

Directly model your structure and nonlinear soil profile in one program using GSA's Raft Analysis. Foundation settlement, slab stresses, bearing pressure along with associated demands in the superstructure can all be determined from a single analysis, bypassing the need to have a separate superstructure, foundation, and geotechnical model.

Footfall Vibration Analysis

Using modal superposition, a rigorous and accurate finite element method, GSA is able to evaluate a structure's sensitivity and response to accelerations caused by pedestrian loading. Arup / Concrete centre method – Concrete Centre CCIP-016 Steel Construction Institute – P354 American Institute of Steel Construction – Steel Design Guide 11 Staircase method – CCIP-016 & SCI P354

Bridge Loading

Lane and vehicle load optimisation for highway and railway bridges. - Bridge loading and optimisation: Australia: AS 5100 2, M1600, S1600, M1600-Triaxle, SM1600 -Eurocode: EC1 UK, generic, user defined - Hong Kong: SDM - UK: BD37, BD24 HB, BD86 SV TT / Train / 150 / 100 / 80, UIC71, RU, RL, SW/0, SW/2, HA, HB, SV - US: AASHTO 17, LRFD 3, H20-44, HS20-44. HL-93 Path and vehicle loading to: - Australian Highway Loading: M1600, S1600, M1600-Triaxial, SM1600 - Eurocode Loading: Generic, UK, user defined. - UIC and UK Railway Loading: UIC71, RU, RL, SW/0, SW/2 - UK and HK Highway Design Loading: HA, HB - US Assessment Loading: SV - US Highway Loading: H20-44, HS-20-44, HL-93

Wave Loading

Generate wave and current loads on submerged structures

Design Capabilities
Reinforced Concrete Design

Slab bending and axial reinforcement can be calculated for any geometric shape (even curved slabs) with reinforcement oriented at any angle in the plane of the slab. International design codes included in GSA: - Australia: AS 3600: 2009 - Canada: CSA A23.3-14, S6-14 - Eurocode: EN 1992-1-1:2004 Eurocode 2 (including German, UK, Dutch, French, Italian, Danish, Bulgarian, Cyprus, Finnish, Irish, Polish, Spanish and Singapore annexes) - Hong Kong: HK Structures Design Manual 2002, Code of Practice 2013 - India: IRS Concrete Bridge Code 1997, IS 456:2000 - UK: BS 5400, BS 8110-1:1997 (Rev 2005) - US: ACI 318-11, ACI 318-14, AASHTO LRFD-8 17

Steel Design

Steel design checks, including automatic unbraced length calculations, can be carried out for a large variety of section profiles and international design codes. Section pools also allow the steel designer to optimize the design of a set of members. International Design Codes included in GSA: - Australia: AS 4100:1998, AS 4100:2020 - Canada: CSA S16-09, CSA S16-14 - Eurocode: EN 1993-1-1:2005 Eurocode 3 (including French, Dutch, German, Irish, UK, Singapore, and UK fire annexes) - Hong Kong: HKSUOS:05 & 11 (incl 2021 Edition) - India: ISS 800:1984 & 2007 - UK: BS 5950-1:2000 - US: AISC LRFD 99, AISC 360-05 ASD & LRFD, AISC-360-10 ASD & LRFD - South African: SANS 10162-1:2011

Other GSA Applications

GSA Suite

Structural engineers designing buildings, bridges and tensile structures need comprehensive software to get robust results. Tackle any structural engineering challenge with this complete structure design and analysis software package. GSA Suite gathers the benefits of all the GSA variants into one single offering.

Find out more »

GSA Analysis

GSA Analysis is used around the globe on all manner of projects. It provides engineers with a highly intuitive nonlinear analysis software tool to help realise the potential of design, no matter the challenges.

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GSA Bridge

The perfect tool for busy bridge designers, GSA Bridge automates the optimisation of bridge loads (such as vehicle and lane loading) to a variety of international codes and checks for pedestrian footfall vibration. With a wide range of structural analysis types and 3D and 2D graphics for post-processing, bridge design analysis has never been easier.

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National Aquatic Centre, Beijing, China

The National Aquatics Centre, home to all the diving and swimming events, is one of the star attractions of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Seating 17,000 spectators and has a total floor space of 70,000m², the 'Water Cube' will be used both during the Games and afterwards as a multi-purpose leisure and elite swimming centre.

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Please select what type of licence you would like to purchase

GSA – Building

USD $3,498.48USD $8,601.11

GSA Building is part of the Oasys General Structural Engineering suite and combines steel and concrete design, footfall, and soil-structure interaction analysis in the same building design software package. With this intuitive software, you can design structural models with skeletal frames and two-dimensional finite elements, enabling you to design and analyse even the most complex buildings.

Total: USD $0.00


Structural design and analysis software

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Select your licence

Standalone, Network Floating, Network Floating International

I would like to

12 months Subscription (Pay annually), 36 months Subscription (Pay annually)

What should I choose?

Standalone licenses are locked to an individual machine, but transferable by the user to another machine manually. Ideal for single users. Restricted to use within the country stated in the End User address submitted by Licensee to Oasys at the time of purchase.

Network Floating licenses can be activated on any number of machines, however you can only concurrently use the number of licences that you have purchased. Ideal for users requiring more flexibility or when working as part of a team. Restricted to use within the country stated in the End User address submitted by Licensee to Oasys at the time of purchase.

Network Floating International licenses can be activated on any number of machines, however you can only concurrently use the number of licences that you have purchased. Ideal for users requiring more flexibility or when working as part of a global team. Eligible for deployment world-wide at the Licensees leisure.

*Prices shown are per year cost

Both Subscription options will allow you the right to use the software for the defined term, with the full maintenance and support service included for the duration. The price will be fixed for the duration of the agreed term after which it will automatically renew for the same duration at the then current price.

12 month pay annually – Single payment for the full term at the commencement of the Subscription period

36 month pay annually – Three annual payments split the cost over the Subscription period. All payments are fixed at the time of purchase and are not subject to variance over time. Lower annual cost in comparison to 12 month option.

Keeping your software licences maintained gives you full access to technical support (telephone, email and web based) and ensures that your software is kept up-to-date with free downloadable updates. Maintenance is only available to existing licences and lasts 12 months. It is highly recommended that you keep your software licences maintained. Maintenance duration will be calculated from the date of expiry of the previous maintenance/initial warranty. If you are purchasing maintenance for licences that have been unmaintained for longer than 12 months please contact us in order to renew.

"GSA enables us to more accurately model the complex soil-structure interaction for large support structures under extreme wind loading."
Cormac Ó Dubhthaigh - Wind Prospect

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