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Compos: Composite Beams Design Software

Compos is a unique composite beam analysis and design software program. In addition to composite beam design and analysis, Compos can also perform footfall induced vibration analysis for regular composite floors using Resotec Damping System.

Composite beam design software program with unique features

The latest major release includes a variety of innovative new features and usability advancements. Axial loads can be applied, end moments are now included, COM API enhancements, updated section and decking databases, updated sign conventions, and much more. Visit the Features tab for a more detailed look.

Compos can handle composite beams with variable slab widths and thicknesses, tapered plate girders as well as web penetrations and notches, with or without stiffeners. Compos is used by many engineers looking for a complete composite beam analysis and design software offering.

Analyse the effects of using the Resotec Damping System from Richard Lees Decking, exclusive to Compos. Other unique features to Compos include tapering plate girders and variable slab widths and thicknesses.

Download Product Sheet

How Compos Works

Input: Using intuitive model wizards and tables, define straight, stepped, and tapered rolled steel beams and plate girders supporting catalogue composite decking at any angle, topped with constant or varying depth and width normal or lightweight concrete. Define the stud spacing or let Compos decide the best arrangement based on desired interaction and decking trough dimensions. Include penetrations through the beam web or notches at the beam ends to reduce the beam capacity. Add Resotec damping membrane when footfall vibration is a problem.

Analysis & Design: Compos will either analyse the chosen beam to check whether it meets the ultimate and serviceability requirements both during construction and after, or it will find the lightest or shallowest beam that will. Compos will also measure the centre point and centre line footfall vibration response for the bay.

Output: Compos will output the detailed calculations, diagrams, and drawings of the composite beams or give the summary of the beams’ design results.

Key Features & Benefits

  1. Analyse and design studded composite and non-composite steel beams with ease
  2. Design to ultimate and serviceability limit states
  3. Footfall induced vibration analysis for regular composite floor with and without Resotec Damping System from Richard Lees Decking. No other software can consider Resotec Damping in footfall analysis.

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Capabilities of Compos

  • Axial loads can be applied at beam ends
  • Axial loads can be tensile or compressive
  • Moment due to eccentricity is applied


  • Compos now supports moments at the ends
  • Hogging moments are treated as positive and vice versa

It is now possible to extract the detailed results including section properties, forces, capacities, deflections, stresses and stud arrangement at all the positions.

short NumIntermediatePos (membername)

Return the number of intermediate positions where analysis results are available.

double Result (membername, option, position)

Return the results for the given member, option and position

position – position number

option – result type

Section database

  • Compos now uses latest section database from GSA

Decking database

  • Database is now updated to include latest catalogues
  • Old database is now flagged as superseded

Sign convention in Compos is now made consistent with GSA

  • Axial force – Tensile forces are positive
  • Moments – Hogging moments are positive
  • Deflections – Downward deflection is negative

Analyse and design composite beams

Analyse and design composite steel beams at the construction and final stages, including automatic beam and stud selection. Link the beam together if necessary, so that secondary beams load primary beams. Design the beams to the ultimate and serviceability limit states, such as vibration frequency, deflection, beam weight and depth.

Examples of analysis options

Automatic Section and Stud Design

Save time and effort as Compos can automatically design a steel section from the national and international section database to meet code requirements and other criteria specified by the user. In addition to section design, Compos can also automatically design quantity and distribution of shear studs or check your beam arrangements. Reducing time required even further.

Footfall induced vibration

Calculate the response factor from footfall-induced vibration (composite beam footfall) with or without Resotec Damping System from Richard Lees Steel Decking. Read more about what the analysis is based on in the Further Considerations tab.

Floor response graph

Analyse web penetration and notches

Web penetrations and notches, with or without stiffeners, analysed in accordance with the Steel Construction Institute Publication 068 “Design for Opening in the webs of composite beams”.


When using Compos, it considers a couple of important factors including:

  • Web penetrations on steel beam and notches at steel beam ends with or without stiffeners.
  • Variable slab widths and thicknesses.

Analysis: Analysis and design of steel-concrete composite beams at construction and final stages.


Footfall induced vibration analysis is based on:

  • Willford, M.R. & Young, P. (2006) A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures, The Concrete Centre, CCIP-016.

Resotec damping calculation is based on:

  • Ross, D, Ungar, E E & Kerwin, E M, “Damping of plate flexural vibration by means of viscoelastic laminae”.
  • Analysis and design of composite steel beams, including automatic beam and stud selection
  • Tapering plate girders
  • Variable slab widths and thicknesses
  • Web penetrations and notches, with or without stiffeners
  • Design to ultimate and serviceability limit states, such as vibration frequency, deflection, beam weight and depth
  • Link beams together, so that secondary beams load primary ones
  • Footfall induced vibration checks – calculate the Response Factor
  • Analyse the effects of using the Resotec Damping System from Richard Lees Steel Decking. No other program gives you this.

Load types: Choose from a selection of different load types such as area UDL, linear UDL, point and triangular loads as well as loads from other members.

Compos options: With Compos, there are numerous options available for the user such as:

  • Automatically select the optimum steel beam according to minimum weight or minimum depth criteria
  • Design shear stud layout automatically
  • Use tapered steel plate girders
  • Use catalogue decking slab, user defined decking slab or solid slab
  • Use standard or user defined materials and partial safety factors
  • Use propped or unpropped construction method

Composite beam analysis and design

  • AS/NZS 2327:2017
  • BS 5950-3.1:1990
  • BS 5950-3.1:1990+A1:2010
  • EN 1994-1-1:2004 Eurocode 4
  • BS EN 1994-1-1:2004 Eurocode 4 (UK)
  • Hong Kong, Structural Use of Steel: 2005
  • Hong Kong, Structural Use of Steel: 2011

Construction stage and non-composite analysis and design

  • AS 4100:1998
  • BS 5950-1:2000
  • EN 1993-1-1:2005 Eurocode 3
  • BS EN 1993-1-1:2005 Eurocode 3 (UK)
  • Hong Kong, Structural Use of Steel: 2005
  • Hong Kong, Structural Use of Steel: 2011

Can’t see the design code you need? Seek assistance by contacting our technical support team below.

Specification used for web opening design:
SCI Publication 355: Design of composite beams with large web openings

Footfall induced vibration analysis is based on:
Willford, M.R. & Young, P. (2006) A Design Guide for Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures, The Concrete Centre, CCIP-016.

Resotec damping calculation is based on:
Ross, D, Ungar, E E & Kerwin, E M, “Damping of plate flexural vibration by means of viscoelastic laminae”.
Willford, M, Young, P & Algaard, W, “A constrained layer damping system for composite floors

Explore Compos Applications

Oasys Compos is available as part of new Oasys Bundles

Structural Basics Bundle

The Oasys Structural Basics Bundle brings together our tools for the design of common concrete structural elements, beams, columns, one-way slabs, ribbed slabs, circular piles, and composite slabs.

Find out more »

Structural Suite

The Oasys Structural Suite is the complete analysis and solution uniting the concrete design capabilities of the structural basics bundle with advanced structural analysis of Oasys GSA Suite.

Find out more »

Design Museum, London

Smart engineering enables complete architectural transformation while preserving heritage roof.

View Case Study »

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Further Information

The trials are limited for 14 days only, and there is no functional limitation. During the evaluation period you will only be able to use the software for test purposes and not for commercial paid work, and for the duration we will support you to get the most out of your test. System requirements can be found in the FAQs.

All we ask from you are some details so we can contact you to issue you with the installation file.

Once you submit your details, a customer service agent will contact you and provide the free trial installer.

Existing customers who are fully maintained can download the latest versions of their software on demand from their personalised customer licensing portal.

Your login ID and Password for the portal is not the same as your website account. You can find your login details in your purchase confirmation email. Alternatively you can request for your login details to be sent to you by emailing [email protected].

We offer a limited-duration trial license for you to assess the suitability of our products for your projects.

During the evaluation period you will only be able to use the software for test purposes and not for commercial paid work, and for the duration we will support you to get the most out of your trial.

All we ask from you is some details so we can decide whether you are eligible for a trial.

Compatible with most modern day Windows operating systems.

The full conditions of purchase and maintenance are set out in the Oasys Software Licence and Support Agreement. All prices are subject to TAX at the current rate.

Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice – please ask for a written quotation.

Although every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein, the contents do not form or constitute a representation, warranty, or part of any contract.

By completing and submitting this form you consent to Oasys Limited storing and processing the personal data you have provided. We will use this information to keep you updated about the products requested for customer service and sales analysis. We do not pass your details to third parties to use. For more information visit our privacy policy. You may opt-out at any time by emailing [email protected].

Please select what type of licence you would like to purchase


USD $981.28USD $20,581.25

Compos is a unique composite beam analysis and design software program. In addition to composite beam design and analysis, Compos can also perform footfall induced vibration analysis for regular composite floors using Resotec Damping System.

Total: USD $0.00


Concrete beam analysis

Additional information

Select your version

Structural Basics Bundle, Structural Suite

Select licence type

Standalone, Network Floating, Network Floating International

I would like to

12 months Subscription (Pay annually), 36 months Subscription (Pay annually)

What should I choose?

Standalone licenses are locked to an individual machine, but transferable by the user to another machine manually. Ideal for single users. Restricted to use within the country stated in the End User address submitted by Licensee to Oasys at the time of purchase.

Network Floating licenses can be activated on any number of machines, however you can only concurrently use the number of licences that you have purchased. Ideal for users requiring more flexibility or when working as part of a team. Restricted to use within the country stated in the End User address submitted by Licensee to Oasys at the time of purchase.

Network Floating International licenses can be activated on any number of machines, however you can only concurrently use the number of licences that you have purchased. Ideal for users requiring more flexibility or when working as part of a global team. Eligible for deployment world-wide at the Licensees leisure.

*Prices shown are per year cost

Both Subscription options will allow you the right to use the software for the defined term, with the full maintenance and support service included for the duration. The price will be fixed for the duration of the agreed term after which it will automatically renew for the same duration at the then current price.

12 month pay annually – Single payment for the full term at the commencement of the Subscription period

36 month pay annually – Three annual payments split the cost over the Subscription period. All payments are fixed at the time of purchase and are not subject to variance over time. Lower annual cost in comparison to 12 month option.

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Complete the form below and a member of our expert team will be in touch to discuss how we could optimise your project and workflow

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