Terms & Conditions

Data Security

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.

All data is stored in secure electronic systems accessible only to Oasys staff with both valid network login credentials and specific authorisation to access the system.  Our systems further limit data access by role to ensure data is available only to those who have a specific need to see it.

If at any point you suspect or receive a suspicious communication from someone suggesting they work for Oasys or a website claiming to be affiliated with Oasys, please forward the communication to us or report the incident by email to [email protected] or in writing to Oasys, 8 Fitzroy Street, London, UK, W1T 4BJ as soon as possible.

Data Security Notice Updated 27th February 2020

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Website Terms and Conditions

The contents of this web site are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights under international conventions. No copying of any words, images, graphic representations or other information contained in this web site is permitted without the prior written permission of the webmaster for this site.

Oasys accepts no responsibility for the content of any external site that links to or from this site.

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Software Licensing Terms

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

The full conditions of purchase and maintenance for all Oasys desktop software are set out in the Oasys Software Licence and Support Agreement.

The full conditions of purchase and maintenance for Oasys Gofer and Oasys Giraphe are set out in the Gofer SaaS Agreement  and the Giraphe SaaS agreement.

All prices are subject to TAX at the current rate.

Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice – please ask for a written quotation.

Although every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein, the contents do not form or constitute a representation, warranty, or part of any contract.

Superseded Versions of Terms and Conditions

Oasys keeps copies of all superseded versions of its terms and conditions.

Maintenance & Support Services

Support and maintenance is included with all subscription licences for their full duration.

Annual maintenance contracts are available for software under a perpetual licence, prices are based on a percentage of the most recent list price.

This service includes:


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Cookies Policies

View available cookies policies below:


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Oasys UNIPAC are tailored software packages designed for students and educational institutions. Gaining access to a suite of engineering software that covers a wide range of applications, you will unlock a wealth of benefits that can transform your engineering courses. 

Introduction to UNIPAC

Oasys UNIPAC are software packages that provide specific engineering tools for students and educators. With subscription licenses for an unlimited number of users, round-the-clock technical support, and flexible usage both on and off-campus, UNIPAC is an investment in education and inspiring innovation in the next generation of engineers. 

Core Benefits 

Flexible working: Our subscription license will be available to unlimited users who can access the software anywhere if they connect to the University network at least once every 60 days (about 2 months). Renewing your subscription is hassle free with our team on hand to make sure the process is seamless. 

Customisable support: We have readily available training materials and videos equipping students with the tools they need to learn independently. Our technical support team are available to both educators and students and are just an email or phone call away. Designated teaching staff will receive personalised help, ensuring a smooth adoption experience. 

Enhance student employability: Our software has been used by firms across the globe on world-renowned buildings and structures. By mastering our programs, students can enhance their skillset and stand out to potential employers. But that’s not all—we regularly promote users work to our audiences. Level up your skillset and build your recognition within the industry with Oasys UNIPAC. 

Research and innovation: We have a long history of supporting research, with our software featuring in a range of esteemed publications. Read research papers where our software has been featured. 


User Guides

UNIPAC User Guide PDF Further details about using the Oasys Unipac Engineering Suite for research or teaching.


UNIPAC Licensing PDF Information about the benefits to UNIPAC software, how to acquire, and explanation about the licencing.


How to enquire about a UNIPAC package

Our team is ready to set you up with UNIPAC today. For details, please contact us at [email protected] or use the enquiry form below.

Acquiring an official licence?
We provide significant support to teaching establishments. For details please contact us at [email protected] or use the entry form below. The Oasys university liaison, Zeena Farook, will be in contact.

Oasys UNIPAC MassMotion Logo



UNIPAC Geotechnical

Oasys UNIPAC Geotechnical includes: 


If your institution already holds a UNIPAC licence, you can download the UNIPAC software below and start using it immediately on the University Internet network. You can use the software away from campus too, if you connect to the University network at least once every 60 days (about 2 months).

UNIPAC Geotechnical Downloads

UNIPAC Alp Alp analyses the soil structure interaction of a laterally loaded pile.


UNIPAC AdSec AdSec is an analysis program for sections under load.


UNIPAC Frew Frew analyses flexible retaining structures such as sheet pile or diaphragm walls.


UNIPAC Greta Greta analyses the stability of a gravity retaining wall and determines the bending moments and shear forces in the stem, heel and toe of the retaining wall.


UNIPAC PDisp PDisp calculates the displacements and stresses within a layered elastic soil mass arising from vertical and horizontal pressure loading applied to rectangular and circular loaded areas.


UNIPAC Pile Pile calculates the vertical load carrying capacities of a range of individual piles in a layered soil deposit.


UNIPAC Safe Safe provides two-dimensional finite element computations in plane stress, plane strain, or axial symmetry.


UNIPAC Slope Slope performs two-dimensional slope stability analysis to study circular or non-circular slip surfaces.


UNIPAC Siren Siren allows you to easily model site responses to seismic events by calculating the soil response, attributable to specified movement in the bedrock.


UNIPAC XDisp XDisp analyses the ground movements induced by tunneling and embedded wall excavations in terms of three-dimensional displacements and horizontal strains.


UNIPAC Structural

If your institution already holds a UNIPAC licence, you can download the UNIPAC software below and start using it immediately on the University Internet network. You can use the software away from campus too, if you connect to the University network at least once every 60 days (about 2 months). 

Oasys UNIPAC Structural includes:  

UNIPAC Structural Downloads

UNIPAC GSA - 64 bit version GSA provides all structural analysis requirements of frame and finite element models, including static and dynamic, linear and non-linear.


UNIPAC ADC ADC analyses and designs reinforced concrete structural elements and sub-frames to a variety of national design codes.


UNIPAC AdSec AdSec is an analysis program for sections under load.


UNIPAC Compos Compos allows the analysis and design of any composite beam.


UNIPAC MassMotion

Oasys UNIPAC MassMotion Logo

Oasys UNIPAC MassMotion includes access to the world’s most advanced pedestrian simulation software. Learn more about Oasys MassMotion. 

If your institution already holds a UNIPAC licence, you can download the UNIPAC software below and start using it immediately on the University Internet network. You can use the software away from campus too, if you connect to the University network at least once every 60 days (about 2 months). 

UNIPAC Pedestrian Simulation Suite Downloads

UNIPAC MassMotion The following UNIPAC software is available. Please note that only those products which have been licensed by your university will activate.


UNIPAC MassMotion - Chinese language version The following UNIPAC software is available. Please note that only those products which have been licensed by your university will activate.


UNIPAC MassMotion SDK MassMotion Software Development Kit. * English language version only *


BEANS is a software package for thermal analysis. The BEANS suite includes programs for analysis of solar gains, U-values and admittance, room and building heat gains, comfort and air movement.

BEANS Installers

BEANS 30-day trial We offer a 30 day trial license for you to assess the suitability of our products for your projects. The trials are limited for 30 days only, there is no functional limitation. During the evaluation period you will only be able to use the software for test purposes and not for commercial paid work, and for the duration we will support you to get the most out of your test.


BEANS UNIPAC The following UNIPAC software is available. Please note that only those products which have been licensed by your university will activate.


The following is a list of academic institutions that currently have our UNIPAC versions of Oasys software:

UK & Ireland

  • Atlantic Technology University (Sligo)
  • Brunel University London
  • City University London
  • Glasgow Caledonian University
  • Imperial College London
  • Kingston University London
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • South East Technology University
  • Swansea University
  • University College London
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Dundee
  • University of East London
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Newcastle
  • University of Portsmouth
  • University of Salford
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of South Wales
  • University of Southampton
  • University of West London
  • University of Wolverhampton


  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Politecnico di Milano


  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Western Australia

North America

  • Queens University
  • Rutgers University – The State University of New Jersey
  • Southern California Institute of Architecture
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Toronto
  • Woodbury University
  • York University

South America

  • Federal University of Parana
  • University of South Carolina


  • Chonnam National University – Yeosu Campus
  • Hong Kong College of Technology
  • Korea University
  • Nagaoka Institute of Design
  • PKNU Industry – University Cooperation Foundation
  • Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong
  • University of Nottingham Ningbo China
  • Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University


  • National Institute of Technology, Surathkal
  • Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT University)

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"It is user-friendly as well as time efficient and can be used for analysis of slopes with and without Nails, Geotextile, Rock bolt and Ground anchors. For soil-nailed slopes, it allows the user to feed capacity of nail head (slope facing) as a plate capacity."

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