Webinar host
Duke Xiao
2020年毕业于帝国理工学院航空计算机流体力学专业。四年来参与过多个基于 LS-DYNA 的非线性汽车碰撞分析、汽车动力电池仿真分析、建筑结构安全分析等项目,熟练使用脚本对 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件实现二次开发与自动化报告,并拥有丰富的 LS-DYNA 项目应用经验。
Duke is a support engineer in Arup’s Advanced Technology and Research team in Shanghai, China. He has 4 years of experience using the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment in various CAE applications such as automotive, vehicle battery, and structural projects. He also takes an active role in scripting and automated reporting within the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment software to aid engineering projects. Prior to joining Arup, Duke gained a master’s degree from Imperial College London for Aeronautic Computational Methods.
即将举行:虚拟测评系列网络研讨会 – 探索 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件虚拟测评解决方案,助力汽车安全
我们诚邀您参加 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件关于虚拟测评的网络研讨会。会议将向您介绍我们在车辆安全仿真领域提供的解决方案,协助用户应对从物理碰撞试验到虚拟测评的转变。该系列网络研讨会由三部分组成,将先后分成三场举办,分别为:
1. Oasys LS-DYNA 虚拟测评全流程解决方案的总体介绍
2. C-NCAP 2024 曲线相关性对标与伤害值评分在软件中的实操演示
3. C-NCAP 2024 虚拟测评模型质量检查与视频输出
在车辆安全法规和 NCAP 规程不断发展的背景下,这一系列网络研讨会将为您理清流程,展示 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件集成的一套完整的工作流(Workflow),助力 CAE 和车辆安全团队应对虚拟测评规程带来的挑战。
虚拟测评网络研讨会:#1 Oasys LS-DYNA 关于车辆虚拟测评规程前后处理全流程解决方案总体介绍(中文)
随着虚拟测评碰撞测试在汽车安全规程中的引入,汽车仿真领域将迎来全新挑战。其中,仿真与试验的良好对标将成为硬性指标。在 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件中,我们开发了一套完整的前后处理工作流(Workflow),助力车辆 CAE 与安全团队应对虚拟测评规程带来的挑战。
作为网络研讨会三部曲的第一部分:总体介绍,我们将先为您解读虚拟测评带来的新挑战。随后,展开介绍 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件集成工作流的各个模块,包括汽车碰撞测试的前后处理、仿真与试验的曲线对标、模型质量检查、按规程要求的格式输出数据与视频等。这些模块将帮助用户更好地应对虚拟测评带来的挑战。
本期研讨会之后,还将分别举行第二与第三部分。我们将以 C-NCAP 2024 侧面远端乘员保护规程的整个评分流程为例,详细展示工作流(Workflow)的各个模块在 Oasys LS-DYNA 软件中的实际操作与应用。
重点提要 (Key highlights):
- 什么是虚拟测评规程
- 新规程向CAE与车辆安全团队提出的新挑战
- 我们的解决方案:一套完整的虚拟测评Workflow工作流
- Automotive Assessments (用于虚拟测评工况的结果提取)
- Workflow User Data (用于保存用户自定义数据)
- VTC Quality Criteria (用于检查模型质量)
- SimVT – Simulation vs Test (用于计算试验与仿真的曲线相关性拟合结果)
- LS-DYNA to ISO-MME (用于输出满足规程要求的数据格式)
- VTC Videos (用于输出虚拟测评视频)
- 现场提问与交流
点击此处报名参与 (Register here)
Upcoming webinar series: Navigating Virtual Testing and LS-DYNA with the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment for enhanced vehicle safety.
We’re excited to invite you to a three-part webinar series that will help you navigate the shift from physical to virtual testing in vehicle safety.
As regulations and NCAP ratings evolve, this series will provide a clearer understanding of how virtual testing is crucial in enhancing vehicle safety, and how software solutions from the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment can support this transition. This includes a set of integrated and complementary Workflow tools, which can be utilised by CAE and vehicle safety teams to address the challenges posed by the introduction of virtual testing protocols.
The first part of the webinar will provide an overview of the complete set of workflow tools. The second and third sessions will cover the application in C-NCAP virtual testing protocol 2024, taking a deep dive into the software operation, to guide users through the whole process.
Register now and don’t miss out on the chance to learn more about virtual testing in the automotive industry.
Virtual Testing Series: #1 Navigating Virtual Testing and LS-DYNA with the Oasys Suite for enhanced vehicle safety
With the introduction of virtual testing crashworthiness in vehicle testing protocols, new challenges are presented to CAE workflows, and good correlation becomes mandatory. In the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment, software solutions including a set of integrated and complementary Workflow tools have been developed for CAE and vehicle safety teams to address the challenges posed by the introduction of virtual testing protocols.
In this session, we’ll walk you through how virtual testing works and the complete workflow solution within the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment. We’ll cover how simulation models are validated against physical tests and what virtual load cases are. This session will also focus on how the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment can help ensure quality during both the pre- and post-processing stages.
After the overview of this session, there will be two more sessions on how this complete set of workflows is applied in C-NCAP virtual testing protocol 2024, taking a deep dive into the functionality of the software, to guide users through the whole process.
Key highlights:
- What is Virtual Testing
- New challenges for CAE and vehicle safety teams
- Our solution: the Virtual Testing Workflow
- Automotive Assessments
- Workflow User Data
- VTC Quality Criteria
- SimVT – Simulation vs Test
- VTC Videos
- Live Q&A
Register Here
*Please note, this webinar will be delivered in Chinese in CST time zone.
If you wish to watch the same content in English in GMT time zone, please visit this page.