Effortlessly move from pre-processing in Oasys PRIMER to post-processing in Oasys D3PLOT.
Oasys D3PLOT is the advanced 3D visualisation package for post-processing Ansys LS-DYNA analysis results.
It provides animation, extraction and derivation of over 100 data components, with advanced graphics including shading, contouring, lighting and transparency. Support for multiple models as well as an Oasys T/HIS link window results in unrivalled ease of in-depth analysis, investigation and comparison of many simulations.
The complementary D3PLOT Viewer brings your LS-DYNA analysis to a wider audience, with easy access for teams, suppliers, and clients.
Main Features
In-depth access to Ansys LS-DYNA results, including over 100 different data components
Fast, high-quality graphics
Advanced automation including scripting support through JavaScript and Python API’s
Cut sections can be easily created and manipulated
Results data is plottable by contour, principal stress (stress flow), velocity vector, ISO surface and node cloud
Relative value plots available, i.e. deformation relative to axes fixed in the model or change from a given time state
Main Features
Image, video and 3D output in a range of formats (including PNG, JPEG, GIF, MP4, AVI, GLB)
Multiple windows allow viewing results from a range of different models simultaneously
Add annotations in 3D to help record and communicate results, comments, or insights with your team
Links with Oasys T/HIS for synchronised viewing of XY and graphical data
Workflows capability to bring you the results data you need more quickly, including support for Virtual Testing protocols
Additional Capabilities
Plotting of user-defined data from an external file, formula or script
Quick-pick menu for on-screen manipulation of entity display characteristics
Settings and session files allow predefined views, colour schemes, and layouts to be created and stored
Output keyword data (nodal positions, element stresses etc) for use in other models
Compare results with test images or movies using the Background Image/Movie function
Multiple Models
Use split screen windows to view the results from a range of different models simultaneously. You can also overlay the results of multiple models in the same window.
Multiple Data Components
Improve your comprehension of results by plotting multiple data components simultaneously.
Selective Cut Sections
Selective cut sections are based on element types and parts, allowing for visualisation of structures within other structures.
- Capture a series of page views with a title, description and markers that can be simply reloaded
- Save annotations to a file for retrieving in a later session of D3PLOT
- Display annotations in a playback mode for simple presentation to colleagues
- Annotations saved with one set of models can be reloaded with a different set of models allowing annotation ‘templates’ to be created
A growing library of tools to aid your workflows by helping you extract, visualise, and interrogate your LS-DYNA results quickly and efficiently.
Load Path Visualisation
DATABASE_CROSS_SECTIONs can be combined into a beam-like “LOADPATH” for improved results comprehension.
The Python, JavaScript and Macro functions provide you with powerful tools for automating results post-processing.